Hi friends! So it turns out that a few people actually did read my blog from time to time, who knew!?! So since we've now completed the whole move-to-a-new-state thing, I'm thinking it's time to dust this little corner of the Internet off and start contributing again. Who's excited!?!
Anyway, I haven't really thought about what type of content I'll post yet, it'll probably be a little of everything and fairly rambly, because that's kinda how I am. I still have unpacking to do, so I may throw in some organization, definitely kid updates, maybe some pop up posts by Mike, you know, basically whatever it occurs to me to share. (I'm also up for some suggestions if there is something you want me to post about. So I guess that's it for now, I'll type at you later! Bye!
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Ch-Ch-Ch Changes
Okay, so I know I've not done a good job at. all. of even trying to blog through out this pregnancy. But let's just say that life is hard and busy right now. I'm completely out of head space to devote to things like a blog at this stage of our lives. But I did want to write down all the things going on in our lives right now, just so that when I look back I can keep perspective and not beat myself up for not writing as much (or at all).
So first things first. Pregnancy wise I am now 32 weeks. I have also been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. So starting this week I'm going to be having ultrasounds every week to check the function of the placenta, because GD is centered all around the placenta and how it is functioning. I'll also be going to a high risk doctor every other week to start having growth scans on the baby, because again, GD causes any excess sugar in me to be passed onto baby and the baby then takes that sugar and converts it into excess fat that will cause her to be bigger than she should be for her developmental age. Along with my ob and high risk doctor I've also been given a nutritionist to try to control the diabetes through diet. So far, I've been able to get things under control with diet alone, but as I've been told over and over again, that could change as I get closer to delivery. So fingers crossed that all of these upcoming scans are good and that little miss will stay in there until May. Which I should mention that if the placenta stops functioning correctly we may need to look at having her early, also if she gets too big, that may be a factor into what is the best option for baby. But for now we are just chugging along with a special diet and food log and blood sugar testing 4 times a day.
(Disclaimer: This is just my understanding of our situation, I am by no means an expert and am relaying things as I understand them)
Next big thing going on in our lives is that we are moving. Out of state. (But it's only four hours away) Mike has been offered this really great opportunity at his company that would allow for me to stay at home with the girls, which has always been the dream. So we have been working toward this goal for awhile now and it's all coming together in April. We've found a good transition house that we signed a lease on last week and will be moving the bulk of our stuff the first weekend in April. We are pushing hard to get the house set up before 36 weeks, because my doctor does not want me further than an hour away at that point. (And I don't really want to be traveling back and forth at the point either). So when we were looking at moving with a newborn versus moving pregnant, pregnant seemed way easier since she's still contained and won't need my time and attention as much right now. The basic plan is to move all the stuff down and set it up, then be back to our old area to have the baby and for a couple weeks of recovery. I'm not changing doctors at this point and we have an extensive support system here that has been generous in offering to let us stay while we wait and recover. (Also, I'm sure this goes without saying, but I am not moving all the stuff, we have men coming to do that, I'll be doing the packing/unpacking and directing of furniture)
Along the lines of us moving, I am currently working my last full week. The company I work for is amazing and the only reason I'd want to leave this job is to stay at home with the kids. So that makes leaving very bittersweet. I love my co-workers and the work that I do. I will still be working some throughout April when I'm in town to catch up any work that needs to be done and to train my replacement, but it won't be the same after this week. It's been such a joy to work for a company that values it's employees and has been a relatively low stress job. I'll be sad to leave because I know what a diamond in the rough I've been blessed with. (My job before this being horrible!)
We've also had a lot going on in our extended family lives. We were blessed with the arrival a new nephew. My brother and sister in law welcomed their second baby boy on Monday March 21st. His arrival has a been a source of celebration among everything else.
Unfortunately we also lost my Grandpa last week. He was 87 years old and had been diagnosed with cancer a short time ago. There is a lot heartache surrounding his passing, none of which I will be blogging about, but I know the heartache will take a long time to heal. So please say a prayer for my family as we start to work through the grief.
So yeah, all the many many details of Gestational Diabetes, combined with all the details of moving, combined with busy schedules and general life, my head space is gone. I'm doing good to remember to set up trash services at the new house (wait, I haven't done that yet, better write myself a note). So not to be making excuses, but life is busy busy busy!!
So I'll try to get some more posts up in the near(ish) future, but I'm not going to make any promises. Hope you are all doing well!
So first things first. Pregnancy wise I am now 32 weeks. I have also been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. So starting this week I'm going to be having ultrasounds every week to check the function of the placenta, because GD is centered all around the placenta and how it is functioning. I'll also be going to a high risk doctor every other week to start having growth scans on the baby, because again, GD causes any excess sugar in me to be passed onto baby and the baby then takes that sugar and converts it into excess fat that will cause her to be bigger than she should be for her developmental age. Along with my ob and high risk doctor I've also been given a nutritionist to try to control the diabetes through diet. So far, I've been able to get things under control with diet alone, but as I've been told over and over again, that could change as I get closer to delivery. So fingers crossed that all of these upcoming scans are good and that little miss will stay in there until May. Which I should mention that if the placenta stops functioning correctly we may need to look at having her early, also if she gets too big, that may be a factor into what is the best option for baby. But for now we are just chugging along with a special diet and food log and blood sugar testing 4 times a day.
(Disclaimer: This is just my understanding of our situation, I am by no means an expert and am relaying things as I understand them)
Next big thing going on in our lives is that we are moving. Out of state. (But it's only four hours away) Mike has been offered this really great opportunity at his company that would allow for me to stay at home with the girls, which has always been the dream. So we have been working toward this goal for awhile now and it's all coming together in April. We've found a good transition house that we signed a lease on last week and will be moving the bulk of our stuff the first weekend in April. We are pushing hard to get the house set up before 36 weeks, because my doctor does not want me further than an hour away at that point. (And I don't really want to be traveling back and forth at the point either). So when we were looking at moving with a newborn versus moving pregnant, pregnant seemed way easier since she's still contained and won't need my time and attention as much right now. The basic plan is to move all the stuff down and set it up, then be back to our old area to have the baby and for a couple weeks of recovery. I'm not changing doctors at this point and we have an extensive support system here that has been generous in offering to let us stay while we wait and recover. (Also, I'm sure this goes without saying, but I am not moving all the stuff, we have men coming to do that, I'll be doing the packing/unpacking and directing of furniture)
Along the lines of us moving, I am currently working my last full week. The company I work for is amazing and the only reason I'd want to leave this job is to stay at home with the kids. So that makes leaving very bittersweet. I love my co-workers and the work that I do. I will still be working some throughout April when I'm in town to catch up any work that needs to be done and to train my replacement, but it won't be the same after this week. It's been such a joy to work for a company that values it's employees and has been a relatively low stress job. I'll be sad to leave because I know what a diamond in the rough I've been blessed with. (My job before this being horrible!)
We've also had a lot going on in our extended family lives. We were blessed with the arrival a new nephew. My brother and sister in law welcomed their second baby boy on Monday March 21st. His arrival has a been a source of celebration among everything else.
Unfortunately we also lost my Grandpa last week. He was 87 years old and had been diagnosed with cancer a short time ago. There is a lot heartache surrounding his passing, none of which I will be blogging about, but I know the heartache will take a long time to heal. So please say a prayer for my family as we start to work through the grief.
So yeah, all the many many details of Gestational Diabetes, combined with all the details of moving, combined with busy schedules and general life, my head space is gone. I'm doing good to remember to set up trash services at the new house (wait, I haven't done that yet, better write myself a note). So not to be making excuses, but life is busy busy busy!!
So I'll try to get some more posts up in the near(ish) future, but I'm not going to make any promises. Hope you are all doing well!
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Quick Check In - 26 Weeks
Just wanted to do a little check in to have it down somewhere how this pregnancy has been going. So I can say that this time around, this pregnancy is going.... Great! It's actually trucking along with mostly no complications or complaints.
Right now I am 26 weeks pregnant. That makes me 6.5 months pregnant and finishing up the 2nd trimester. Wow, time is really going by fast. I can feel baby girl all the time now, and it's such a wonderful feeling! Already this little one is different from Sarah. Where Sarah preferred big movements in my womb, this one is my little tapper. She kicks her little feet at me all day long. I can tell that she likes to hang out head down and feet up. So her little heels are always at the top of my bump and her little head is usually pressing down on my bladder. My theory is that she thinks it's a nice warm pillow. (I know that sounds gross, but hey, that's what I think). And this little girl has just not had all that many big rolling movements. But I love all of her little quick little kicks. I feel like she is more subtle in a way. Bonus, she does not shy away when others try to feel her the way that Sarah did, so Mike and Sarah have been able to feel her several times.
I do feel like my bump is slightly bigger this time around, but overall I don't think I've gained as much weight elsewhere. I have been dealing with some crazy skin issues, like my face is more oily now, but the rest of my skin is way dry. So it's been interesting finding the skincare to use. But after conversations with my sister on my face, I've found the right products, and am basically putting on homemade body butter all the time to help the rest of me out. So I think I've hit a stride there. Knock on wood, I haven't had very much swelling this time around, but then I'm not in my 3rd trimester yet, so that could change.
Let's see, what else!? I have to admit that this time around I have not found myself to be mellowed out the way that I did last time. I've definitely had my moments of moodiness and crankiness. Which I really hate. I don't want to be snappish, especially at Sarah, but it has happened. It kills me really, so I try hard to keep myself in check. Hormones are no joke though, and sometimes you just can't help it.
Also I've been trying to respect my pregnant self and limitations. So I've been not lifting the heavy boxes or climbing up ladders. I also have not rearranged our furniture, even though I projects I want to finish that involve all of those things. I'm accepting and asking for help. So I feel like I've grown in that area.
Other than that what can I say? She is growing right on track. Every ultrasound I've had has been right on track to the day if not a day off. She has long fingers just like her sister and I'm getting super excited to meet her. I can't wait to see her little face and get to know who she is. I'm so excited to have a new little squishy baby in our house again.
So I'm sorry for the lack of posting, but I feel like life is just going hard all the time. We're busy. We made it through all the holiday's, and birthday season. So now I feel like I can finally focus of new baby Gill.
Also, in case you haven't picked it up yet, we're having a girl! Yay!
Right now I am 26 weeks pregnant. That makes me 6.5 months pregnant and finishing up the 2nd trimester. Wow, time is really going by fast. I can feel baby girl all the time now, and it's such a wonderful feeling! Already this little one is different from Sarah. Where Sarah preferred big movements in my womb, this one is my little tapper. She kicks her little feet at me all day long. I can tell that she likes to hang out head down and feet up. So her little heels are always at the top of my bump and her little head is usually pressing down on my bladder. My theory is that she thinks it's a nice warm pillow. (I know that sounds gross, but hey, that's what I think). And this little girl has just not had all that many big rolling movements. But I love all of her little quick little kicks. I feel like she is more subtle in a way. Bonus, she does not shy away when others try to feel her the way that Sarah did, so Mike and Sarah have been able to feel her several times.
I do feel like my bump is slightly bigger this time around, but overall I don't think I've gained as much weight elsewhere. I have been dealing with some crazy skin issues, like my face is more oily now, but the rest of my skin is way dry. So it's been interesting finding the skincare to use. But after conversations with my sister on my face, I've found the right products, and am basically putting on homemade body butter all the time to help the rest of me out. So I think I've hit a stride there. Knock on wood, I haven't had very much swelling this time around, but then I'm not in my 3rd trimester yet, so that could change.
Let's see, what else!? I have to admit that this time around I have not found myself to be mellowed out the way that I did last time. I've definitely had my moments of moodiness and crankiness. Which I really hate. I don't want to be snappish, especially at Sarah, but it has happened. It kills me really, so I try hard to keep myself in check. Hormones are no joke though, and sometimes you just can't help it.
Also I've been trying to respect my pregnant self and limitations. So I've been not lifting the heavy boxes or climbing up ladders. I also have not rearranged our furniture, even though I projects I want to finish that involve all of those things. I'm accepting and asking for help. So I feel like I've grown in that area.
Other than that what can I say? She is growing right on track. Every ultrasound I've had has been right on track to the day if not a day off. She has long fingers just like her sister and I'm getting super excited to meet her. I can't wait to see her little face and get to know who she is. I'm so excited to have a new little squishy baby in our house again.
So I'm sorry for the lack of posting, but I feel like life is just going hard all the time. We're busy. We made it through all the holiday's, and birthday season. So now I feel like I can finally focus of new baby Gill.
Also, in case you haven't picked it up yet, we're having a girl! Yay!
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A family photo from Haley's sweet 16 two weeks ago |
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