At 10 months old, I hope I never forget...
- My walking girl! That's right. In my last update you were just pulling up on things. Now you're my big walking girl! You took your first steps about two weeks after 9 months. You now take 4 or 5 steps at a time when you decide to go for it. There was a long time that you would book it around furniture and anything you could hold onto, including a smooth wall. You were having some confidence issues, but once you saw your cousin Kylie walking during Thanksgiving you really got inspired to go for it all the time. You still prefer to have a finger to hold, but you really and truly walk whenever the urge hits you.
- My little foodie. You have decided that you are too big for baby food. It's a shame really because I have about 6 cases piled up in the pantry. But now that you can eat most big people food, you really prefer to eat what everyone else is. You are by far a big fan of all white meats. You LOVE turkey, chicken, pork, etc. You really don't like to eat red meat though. I guess it's just not your thing. You'll eat just about any vegetable, but your favorite is definitely broccoli. On this note, daddy has continued to push baby foods with you, so you will sometimes eat the jar food for him, but you get highly offended if you see me pop a top for you.
- Our baby birdy. This is in conjunction with the last point, but if we are eating any kind of snack, you demand that we share, and if you like what you've tasted, you will follow us around with your mouth hanging open. You are just like a baby bird. Especially because you still insist on us feeding you. You still have no desire to put food in your mouth yourself. If I put it on your tray you wait for me to put it in your mouth, rather than pick it up yourself. You will hold some finger foods, but won't eat it. It's one of those things that makes you you. I guess I could push you more, but I'm in no hurry for you to grow any faster than you already are.
- Our reading baby. That's right you love Love LOVE books! You love for us to read to you over and over and over again, and if no one can read to you, you happily read your books yourself. We could line all of your toys up and tell you to pick anything to play with, and you would go straight to the books. You LOVE them! You really like poem books that have a rhythm to them, you also like books that have a button for you to push. If it plays a song and you have moved on to another toy, you will stop what you are doing when the song ends, go back to the book, and start it all over again. It's so much fun to watch you play and explore and to learn what you find interesting. You are also getting into lift the flap books, but we can't let you play with them on your own yet, because you are little rough on them. I don't think you intend to be, but you haven't learned how to close them back before turning the page. I've showed you how to do it a few times, and you try. Maybe with a little practice you'll be able to look at those books by yourself. You are really good at turning the pages one at a time. (By the way, board books only at this point.)
- You are a little eclectic in your clothing sizes at this point. You can still wear some 9 month clothing, a lot of 12 month clothing and some 18 month clothes. Most 18 month clothing is too long for you, but you have a long torso, so we put you in 12-18 sleepers to get the torso length right. But the feet easily slip off your toes and you end up tripping all over them if you are walking around. You are in a size 4 diaper.
- Our curious cat. You are definitely interested in everything around you. You know what the word "No" means and for the most part you are good at listening to us and moving away from whatever we've told you you can't have, however, you will also cry if you really wanted to play with something and you're not allowed to. We try to not to say "No" too much and use language like "Not for eating, you can touch and look, but not eat" When we say things like that to you, you know to not put it in your mouth. It really cuts down on frustration for both of us, we're not cutting your off completely, but you know there are rules. If you don't follow them, we'll take it away from you. 9 times out of 10 you if we give you a second chance you will do what you're supposed to. You also want an explanation if we do say no and mean it, such as "Hot" or "Sharp". You don't know what those words mean, but you know they mean you can't have it and are satisfied that we explained.
- The baby sleep olympics. You are all over the place in your sleep. You make rounds in your crib once you've gone to bed. You will literally sit up and flop down with your head on the other side of the crib. When we hear you rustling about in the middle of the night we always have to find your head and figure out how you are laying. We have no idea how you get in some of the positions you do, but you will sleep in just about any position. Our favorite is when you have your butt up in the air or have one leg propped up on the side of the crib.
- Blankie and Mr Bear are still your constant companions and your lovie comfort items. If you've taken a tumble that makes you cry, you won't let it go until I've kissed it and you've told Mr. Bear all about it. You'll be okay if bear is missing (like maybe he's taking a bath) but you absolutely have to have a blankie if you are going to sleep.
- You've gone back to being a good napper, we're not sure if you are trying to go from 2-3 naps a day to just one, but you've been taking a longer midday nap than you used to, and are resistant to your morning nap. You've also insisted on being held more like a newborn when I'm putting you down for a nap or nighttime. You've realized that you little head doesn't really fit under my chin anymore, but you like to have your head near my heart. There are also times you like to lean back and look at my face. You like to point out my eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, and ears when you are falling asleep. You also gone back to preferring for me to sing you our lullaby's. We have about 4 songs we rotate through and if I start on one you don't want to hear, you'll shake your head one time until I sing the song you are looking for. I guess I've kinda become your lullaby ipod. It's neat and special.
- Bath time is another one of our special times together. I am the only person you'll allow to bathe you at this point. Grandma tried the other night when daddy and I went to my company Christmas party and you refused to get in the water. The whole bedtime routine is really special between you and me. I enjoy it and look forward to it every night. Currently our routine is the same as 8 months, we do bath time, then naked play time, then milk, then lullaby's and you're out.
- You love naked play time. I've been told that I should call it something else, but really, that's what it is. I planned on doing some cloth diapering, but have ended up doing all disposables. I want to make sure your skin gets to breath and it gets a break once a day. You love it and it'll stop once you are potty trained and out of diapers (this is more of a note for anyone reading this that has questions) But for now, you love it! You think it's so funny to crawl around your room all naturale.
- Our sweet girl. You love to give and kisses from everyone. You will not only offer up kisses to people you like, but you will lean your head in to receive a kiss on the cheek or forehead from people you love. It's really sweet. If you see yourself in a mirror you kiss your reflection over and over again. You also kiss your favorite toys and pictures in your book that you like. You are so full of love and affection.
- I believe blue is your favorite color. You tend to kiss things that are blue and pick up the blue blocks first. You point out the blue lights on our Christmas tree. I could be way off, but it's just an observation of watching you play. I think I may have "pinked" you out a bit too much, because you tend to not like pink things when given a choice. I don't think you really "hate" it, but are maybe just tired of seeing it everywhere. So, I've been buying more color options when shopping for you rather than just getting the pink one.
- You are getting better at talking, you say a few words and are attempting others. You were trying to bark like a dog the other night when daddy was playing with a dog ornament with you. It was really cute!
- Which reminds me, you are scared of dogs. Any type of dog makes you really nervous, even if we are holding you and showing you that the dog is friendly. The worst thing that's happened to you is a dog licking your toe, but for whatever reason, you do NOT like them and want nothing to do with them.
Love forever and always,
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First time playing with leaves |
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First time at a pumpkin patch/corn maze |
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First carosel ride |
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You and me hanging out |
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Love those cute gill cheeky's |
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My happy girl |
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Your cute Thanksgiving dress |
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