Friday, April 24, 2015

To Blog or Not to Blog

To Blog or Not to Blog, That is the Ever-Loving Eternal Question Here.  Am I right?  Who's with me?

It's been awhile, I think I've truly gone off of the whole blogging thing.  It wasn't intentional, it's just that life happened.  And I am possibly the world's worst at documenting anything.  I don't have a bazillion pictures of our family because I don't take a bazillion pictures.  I really and truely make it an effort to be present whenever we are doing fun things.  I don't want to view our life through a camera lens, but then I have nothing to look back on and go, oh yeah!  We did that really fun thing that one time.  In fact, I usually can't even find my phone with the decent camera, if by chance I do want to snap a quick photo, so I usually just tell Mike to take the picture.  But then that leaves all the pictures on his phone, and I don't have them to share or look back on because they are on some stupid icloud somewhere in cyber space. (I wish our icloud would gather enough pictures for a storm and rain some random photos down to my computer - wouldn't that be cool!?  Switch on your computer to see a virtual storm of past pictures raining down on your desktop?  Okay maybe not imagine trying to sort them into some searchable format, but still, at least you know where my brain went for a minute... #tangent) (Oh and I'm really into #hashtags this year, it was my New Year's Resolution on Facebook, because I don't really use #twitter)

So now I'm in this never ending circle of thinking I should blog, just to record what we did and where we were and what I was thinking.  But then I think, I don't have time, it's hard enough working full time, getting in good quality time with Sarah before bed every weeknight, and catching up on all the household chores before the weekend so we can do the really fun stuff.  You know life.  So I think I may try to start this whole blog back up, but I'm just not going to commit.  I'm just dipping a toe in a testing the water again.

If you read this blog ~ yay you!  You are probably the only person left who actually expended effort to check if anything had been updated.  You should get a prize.  How about: A Lifetime Supply of Oxygen, A Bucket of Water, and a Stick!? (#throwback #sorryyourprizesucks #thanksforreading)

#comeback #wherehasthetimegone #jmmtb #bloggingiscool 

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