Friday, January 27, 2012

Baby Update

So I just wrote a somewhat boring post about our birth plan.  But what I'm sure all of your want to know is how the baby is doing... So here's an update from our appointment this past Tuesday.

Right now, we are officially 3 days from being considered full term (37 weeks).  But Tuesday, they did another growth ultrasound on her to see how big she's grown in the past 4 weeks.  Can you guess how big she is/was?  I've given you some context clues in my past blog about her weight... No.... No guesses...?  Well let's just say that the ultrasound tech called her "big boned, petite".  She was making small talk while she was measuring her femur (thigh bone) and said that some babies are really long and that's what makes them so large.  Ok, nothing wrong with that, I'm fairly long... Then she measured the circumference of her head and her talking of being long kinda dwindled as she has a big head too...  Any guesses yet?!...  No? So she got her measurements together and pulled up the same chart that showed our baby teetering on the upper line last time.  Well now, she was way up in the clouds...  Am I peeking your curiosity at all?  I know Mike is better at the humorous and entertaining posts, but I'm trying here people!  Anyways our sweet little girl is...

8 lbs!! 

Yup that's right!  Well she was 8lbs on Tuesday, so I'm sure she's grown since then.  And yes, we had (4) weeks to go until her due date.  Healthy little girl in there. 

Fun ultrasound stuff: This time on the ultrasound we got to see her practicing breathing, we could see her little diaphragm working hard to prepare her for the real deal.  We saw her little face for a fraction of a minute, but then we couldn't get a good shot for a picture (bummer!).  But it did look like she has Mike's nose.  And lastly we got to see that she has some hair on her head.  Well, really all we saw was hair on the back of her head.  With the shadows and the way she was facing we could only see the bottom of the back of her head.  Hopefully it goes all the way up, otherwise she'll look like a little old man when she's born...  While this would not be my preference, if she happens to just have an old man's ring of hair I'll there for her, I'll buy her lots of cute hats and beenies off etsy.  I'm a hat girl, she can be too!!  Oh!  and she had a full belly from breakfast (in case you wanted to know).  It's always fun to see our little girl, I can't wait until she gets here and I get to see her little face for real!!!

So then we checked in with doctor.  He's officially deemed us "Short Timers" and we'll be going to see him once a week from here on out.  He'll also be checking labor progress from now on.  As of Tuesday, I was no where near close to having her.  She is still safely locked up in my uterus.  She's big, but she's not ready yet.  He did want to make us aware that it may come down to a C-Section.  He wasn't trying to scare us, but he wanted us to be aware that the bigger she gets, the more it's a possibility.  In his words, "it's better than a path of destruction on her way out".  When you put it like that, I can get okay with the thought of a C-Section.  I think it's really put the pressure on Mike though, I'm pretty sure he's convinced we won't be going until the 20th.  He told me the other night that I might get sick of him, because he feels the need to be close to me right now (As if I would ever complain about that!)  So I think he's getting into "go" mode.

Other than that, I'm trying to get us ready.  My temporary replacement for my maternity leave starts Monday for training.  I'm getting all of our paperwork filled out and ready, and making sure we have our bag packed.  (It only has a few things in it right now...)  Oh!  But I did put together our "comfort bag" because we needed it for our birthing class Wednesday.  And, Um, I was trying to look all together so I got some of the stuff suggested (rather than an empty bag with the one massage tool I won in Sicily for taking the best care of my electronic baby, (irony), which is all we had previously)  Anyway, I attempted to make one of those rice sock thingy's.  Well, I made the rice sock just fine, but we were told to have something for all senses (touch, site, smell, taste, sound) so I added some lavender vanilla essential oil.  And um, yeah it stinks (I think I used too much), and the worst part is, it's been sitting in that zipped bag since Wednesday, so I'm pretty sure all the other stuff in there will smell now too... whoops!!!

So there you go, that's been our week in nutshell when it comes to baby Gill.  And no, we still don't have a name so don't ask ;-).

P.S.  I lied, there is one more thing I want to share.  This is going to sound horrible, but I'm going to put it out there anyway... our baby already prefers Mike.  Any time he talks to her or touches her, she responds almost instantly.  I can talk to her and touch her and get nothing half the time...  What's a mom gotta do to get some love around here!?  Haha


  1. Hey Girl! Read a little bit of your blog. So excited for you! And I think I am right when I say you will be having your shower in the hospital...haha! Anyway, I wouldn't be too down about the theory of your baby preferring Mike over you, it's just because she gets to hear your voice 24/7 and she's used to you. Mommy's voice is always comforting! Hang in there!

    1. Yeah, but it's so interesting to me that she knows when it's Mike interacting with her! With everyone else she tends to stop moving or gets shy. But with him, she gets active and I can tell that she knows it's him. It's one of those wierd phenominon's (sp?)...

  2. I had a 10 pound baby! I also had a c section. (after 12 hours of labor, haha) I was scared and did NOT want one, but it was fine. He was born at 9pm and the next morning they had me walking the hospital hallways carrying him. Said I would heal faster. I can't believe it's almost time! I'm so excited for you two. Haven't seen either of you in so long either. I'd say we should remedy that, but I guess you're kind of busy with that whole "about to give birth" thing. And now I've read all your posts. Time to update more ;)

    1. Yikes, so you know what it's like! But I have heard that from other people, that if we have to have a c-section, that I should get up and move around as soon as possible and that it helps cut down on the recovery. I just hate not knowing what to expect when we go to have her... I just keep telling myself that we'll be fine and lots of women have already gone through this (including you!) and survived to tell the tale!
