Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cast Your Vote!

Hiya!! Well with our gender reveal party rapidly approaching I thought I would give all of you out there in CyberLand an opportunity to cast your vote in what you think Mike and I will be having. I have bit the bullet and am actually posting a belly picture. Eeek! And yes, I know it's not the greatest picture, just be happy I have the confidence to post one at all at this point ~ haha!!  I have been really resistant to do these types of photos because I still look like I've had one too many doughnuts instead of pregnant. MMM...A doughnut actually sounds kinda good right now :D. So does a peanut butter banana sandwich... It must be lunch time!   Anyways back on subject, this is me at 21.5 weeks.

To help you out I've put in a few questions I get asked when people are making their guestimations:

What do you crave? Sweet or Salty?
Sweet (But you should be aware that I craved sweet before I was pregnant too)

Still no nausia or sickness?
Nope, I haven't encountered it yet.

Do you prefer to sleep on your right or left side?

What do you think it is?
A baby. (This is my first baby so I have nothing to compare it too :D )

Leave a comment with what you think it will be or send an email.  I tried to find a simple poll to track this, but most of the ones I found make you text in your response.  I would be unwilling to do that, so I won't ask that of any of you!  I will create a graph to show the results though as I have time to update it.  Thanks y'all!!

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