Wow!!! 6 months old ~ that's half a year!!! Growing so big and learning so much! I really can't believe how fast time is flying by! This post is a little late because we are in the middle of moving. This is the last week you will be sharing a room with us, which makes me a little sad. Also, I'm a little sad at leaving the only home you've ever known... but I think this will be a good thing. But anyway, I still want to remember these things that are totally you! So I hope I never forget....
- Your absolute happiness when you wake up! You've started waking up a little earlier than you have in the past. But when you decide to get up, you will lay there and talk and sing to yourself for awhile. It really makes getting up with you so much fun! Any annoyance that you are awake at the butt crack of dawn instantly goes aways when we see that big smile and excitement you have to see us come get you!
- That you will sleep with your feet straight up in the air. If you are on your back, your feet are straight up. We've tried to help you relax by gently pulling your feet and legs down, but you just flex them straight up again. It's so you!
- Rotating baby! You turn yourself during the night by 45 degrees. We always put you down parallel to the sides of your crib, but come morning you are perpendicular. You also can go in a circle on the floor to get to toys your interesting in playing with.
- Your love love LOVE of rattles. You've always liked rattles, but it seems like now you are aware that you are making the noise and just go to town shaking shaking shaking! You get a little over excited sometimes and hit yourself on the forehead, but you love them. In fact, you'll pick one to be your favorite of the day and won't put it down for anything! We have to pry it out of your hands to put you in the car seat or down for a nap. And even then you want it right back when you wake up or are buckled in.
- Your love of being outdoors. You still enjoy being outside and taking strolls and have gotten really into pool time. You love to kick and splash when we go swimming!
- How you are trying to figure out rudamentary talking. You have started saying "mimi" when you are upset and want me to hold you or comfort you. And the other day when daddy was taking to you play you got this smug little look on your face and said "adadada" that sounded a lot like you were trying to say daddy. It's so stinking cute!
- You are now eating solids every day! Just one meal, but you get cereal and jar of a veggie every day. We have only introduced one fruit into your diet at this point, which is banana's and you love them! The jar of banana's was actually the first jar you finished in one sitting. (But that was a couple weeks ago, you're finishing every jar of food we give you now)
- Your love of head wagging. That sounds wierd, but you love to see me or anyone wag or wiggle their head toward you. You even like it when we make your stuffed Dumbo do it. I don't know why you find it funny, but you do!
- Tickling! You kinda have to be in the right mood, but when you get going you really laugh hard! You laugh in your deep baby voice, it's so funny! Also peek a boo has started to entertain you, but not as much as tickling!
- Growing so fast! We had to change and retire a lot of things this month. Including your swing, playmat, newborn pacifiers, All 3-6 Month clothing, and we bought your new car seat, even though we haven't quite started using it yet. Your just growing so big and your needs are changing!
- Reading to you! You have started to like being read to. You like to sit in my lap and look at the pictures and help turn the pages. I'm pretty sure you know the word book already, because the other day I was getting another book to look at, and when I said the word, you dropped the toy you were playing with and picked up a book. Smart girl!
- Beginning baby sign! We have started introducing baby sign to you. We are starting out small with the basics. Here's a list of the ones we use: Milk, Diaper, All Done, Eat, Bath, Book, Ball, Bird, and Bunny. (We have a bird and a bunny, so those aren't totally random)
- Exploring new textures. You are really getting into new textures and realize when it's something you haven't felt before. We have a touch and feel book, but you're not really into that yet. You more go for different cloth types, towel, tableclothes, satin/silk, cotton etc. And then different plastics, smooth bumpy etc. Plush toys vs. plastic toys that type of thing.
- How you hold you hand out when I'm walking. You put your little hand out just hoping to brush by something. Like the lamp shade or wall or anything that's along our path. You look at your hand a little dejectedly if you didn't get to touch anything.
- Reaching for things you want. You can now lock onto something you want and reach for it. You haven't really started reaching for people. But you definately lounge and grab for toys or boxes or whatever you want to hold and look at. Including our food, so plates and things have to be kept out of reach.
- Your jazzy style. Seriously kiddo, you are into jazz music. We have one station in Nashville that plays jazz music with any regularity, but it is the ONLY thing you want to hear in the car. I've tried switching it off after your calm, but you instantly start whining again. And Lord help us if that station is doing a news update or isn't playing jazz for whatever reason, I guess I should get some jazz on my phone for those occasions. I just don't know anything about this genre...
- Um your lack of interest in feeding yourself. You will put toys and other things in your mouth. (Typical baby thing) But when it comes to food, you haven't shown any interest in feeding yourself. You are happy just having us spoon it into your mouth. Oh! and when you want more of something you hum loudly until you see it coming. We're trying to curb this, but that is currently your cue to us that we aren't feeding you fast enough.
- Your hurt baby face when you feel you are being slighted. It's getting harder to have a meal around you because you genuienly feel cheated if you can't eat what we're eating. Mainly ice cream or meat. You have no teeth honey, and it's not time for dairy, I'm sorry!!!
- The big sitting girl you are! You topple very very little, and usually it's because that's what you meant to do or the toy you are reaching for it just out of reach. You are also a pro at rolling belly to back and seem to be working on how to get yourself to the sitting position. You still seem to want to crunch into sitting, but have started to realize it may be easier to push yourself up.
- You're still my little bouncing baby. You like to be in your bouncer, but when you're not you'll bounce yourself on the lap of whoever is holding you.
- Your facination with hair. You are really gently with it, but you coo softly when you get to touch it and will run your tiny hands through the strands. It's really sweet.
- Kicking, I know I say this every month, but you kick as if it's the only thing in the world worth doing. It's just "you". You kick when you sit, you kick when you lay down, you kick when you're being held or carried, you kick constantly. It's actually started to hurt because you kick the same place over and over and over again. We have to move you or put a pillow in between because your legs are st-rong!
- You are now wearing 6-9 Month clothing and size 3 diaper. We put you back into Pampers swaddlers because I just don't like the cruisers yet. I'll probably start using crusiers when you are creeping or crawling. So far, you have't shown any interest in doing those things yet, but it may just be because you haven't realized that you're able to.
Love forever and always!
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I'm 6 months old!! |
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