Friday, May 25, 2012

Things I didn't know I needed...

Okay, so as we all know, I am a first time mommy.  As such, there are definitely things I didn't know I needed prior to having my little one.  I have a couple of friends and family members that are entering the realm of mommyhood, so I thought I'd do a post about some of the stuff I didn't know I needed or thought was over the top, but has been really really helpful.  So here are a few items every new mom needs and they are also great baby shower presents if you are shopping for someone else:

Munchkin Warm Glow Wipe Warmer
Wipe Warmer:  If asked before having a baby if I thought I needed one of these I would have said heck no!  We received this as a baby shower present and it has been heavily used.  When Sarah was a newborn, she screamed anytime we had to change her diaper.  Newborns HATE to be cold, so being able to use a nice warm wipe really soothed her and made diaper changes less traumatic.  Also, I've read reviews about how these can dry out wipes, but the instructions say to add 1/2 cup of water anytime you refill it.  I always add the water and haven't had that problem.  So if buying this as a gift, I would get a cute measuring cup to keep nearby so you don't have to run to the kitchen every time you refill.

Kiddopotamus Changeaway Portable Changing Kit
Travel Changing Pad:  Okay so I thought the el cheapo changing pad that came with our diaper bag would suffice for a changing pad on the go.  Not so much!  That thing had to be washed in cold water (um sanitation much) and air dry.  So if it got dirty you'd have to time washing it so you wouldn't be without it.  This changing pad is similar to the one I purchased.  The one I got has a waterproof plastic liner with pouches that fold in.  I use one of the pouches to keep extra diapers and the other pouch for wipes, powder or diaper cream and hand sanitizer.  So much easier to just grab the changing pad and have everything you need rather than lugging the diaper bag to the bathroom.  Plus the plastic liner is easy to wipe off with a Lysol or Clorox wipe (always wipe with a baby wipe afterward to not get any of those chemicals on baby)

Whoozit Baby Tizoo, Lamaze Dee Dee the Dragon, Bright Starts Zebra

Baby Toys:  I was really naive in thinking that it would be awhile before the baby would need toys.  However, babies change and grow so fast that you really should have some toys and be prepared. Sarah is loving these types of toys.  I'd say the zebra is probably her favorite right now because of it's high contrast colors and the little rattles and teething rings hanging off of it are easy for her to grab.  But the other two also entertain her.  Lamaze makes these in lots of different animals and they all have multiple things for baby to explore.  So versatile for baby!

Rhino Toys Oball Rattle, Manhattan Toy Winkle

Also, these little rattles are absolutely the way to go when buying an infant rattle.  Things that you shake to make noise are highly entertaining for little ones.  These two, however, are by far her favorite.  Babies have a hard time getting all their fingers to coordinate.  These allow for her little appendages to find something to grip when they don't all go together.  She is so proud of herself for being able to actually hold onto these for longer than a second.

Infants' Mylicon Drops:  Babies get gas.  They get gas a lot. It hurts their poor sensitive little tummies.  These drops instantly help relieve that pressure.  It comes with a little dropper that you measure the dosage in and are then able to squeeze it into their cheeks bypassing the whole "push things out with their tongue" reflex.  A must for every home and diaper bag.

Gerber Pre-fold 3 ply diapers

Plain ole cloth diapers:  Skip the fancy smanshy burp clothes.  In my experience they don't work nearly as well as an old fashioned cloth diaper.  These are super absorbent and easy to clean.  With the fancy ones I was constantly concerned about them staining (part of my slight OCD about keeping things nice...) and lets face it, throw up and spit up stain.  With these I don't worry about that at all.  Plus, they can be used for so many other things when out and about.  I am thinking of sewing some 1 inch ribbon on the edges to fancy them up a bit, but who knows if I'll find the time!

Baby Head Scrubber:  Okay, so not a head scrubber per say... but that's what the newborn nurses and we use it for.  If you birth your baby in a hospital this is more than likely in your baby's bassinet somewhere.  TAKE IT WITH YOU WHEN YOU LEAVE!!!  It is actually a surgical sponge and scrubber, but they use this to clean all the "cheese" off your baby during it's first bath.  At our hospital they actually gave us a new one of these in it's packaging to take home.  This is fantastic for preventing cradle cap.  I've actually seen blogs and vlogs where people have to go out and buy one to treat cradle cap.  We have been fortunate that Sarah never developed cradle cap, but I use this every time I wash her hair.  That makes sure all the oil and dead skin is removed when I bath her.  Plus I think she enjoys the scrubby sensation.

Homedics Soundspa Lullaby
Noise Machine:  Babies love white noise!  They are used to being in the womb and listening to your heart beat and other ambient noises.  My sister bought this for me a week after she was born and it has been so handy.  Sarah went through a stage where she didn't want me to put her down, at all.  The second I did she would wake up unless I transferred her to another person.  The heartbeat setting on this allowed me to put her down after she fell asleep for a nap.  There are 3 different noise setting and 3 different lullaby's.  I still use the heartbeat Sarah sleeps more soundly with it.  This particular one is also neat because it will project images up to the ceiling for baby to watch.  She didn't use this feature when she was a newborn, but loves it now.  She needs a little light in the room for when she wakes up or else she gets scared.  So two birds one stone.  Plus it has a timer on it, so you can have it shut off automatically.

Okay, so these are just a few of the items I didn't know I would use and need.  I realize all babies are different, but if I have more children, these will definitely be available in advance.  These are also excellent baby shower presents.  Is there anything you other mommies use daily and think are essential for a new mother?

1 comment:

  1. Amen to the gas drops and burp cloths. I have never seen a "head scrubber"! Nifty. In place of a noise machine, we have used the "sleep sheep" from Cloud B. Kate loved the Graco "Soothing Center" swing that also had heartbeat and ocean noises, but Claire doesn't care for it.
